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Biological Dentistry

If there was one concept I could get people to truly understand, It would be that
Dental Health is CRUCIAL to overall Health, as well as Preventing Cancer.
Were dental issues a problem for me? The answer is a resounding YES!!! And guess what? I had really no symptoms at all! AND - no dental procedures that were out of the norm, either in the past or present. 
It took me over a year to finish my research on the mouth and dental health when my intuition told me this could be a problem for me, given a few pieces of research I came across, as well as a lecture I heard. This information was not easy to find! I had to search out old timers at conferences, old books, and dentists tucked away quietly correcting issues for their patients that then resulted in better overall health. I had to delve deep into what dentists and orthodontists were taught, what procedures were necessary, and which shouldn't be done at all because they caused prolific bacteria to funnel into the body. There were so many questions I had, with so few answers to find... until I did!
Hopefully you will start your own education now on dental health and the types of dentists near you who will protect you and your family from further harm. Please don't wait until you or a love one is diagnosed with cancer or a severe disease before coming back to this web page. Educate yourself now so further harm isn't done. Trust me on this!
If you haven't yet signed up for the Living Healthy Newsletter, please do so now. You will be informed of more resources as I come across them, pertinent research and my Blog posts summarizing the findings, health tips, healthy recipes, products you can trust, as well as important Docu-Series - including one on Holistic Dental Health!
If you need help finding a dentist that I KNOW to be one of the best outside of the resources below, or really want to be educated on my findings and how they relate to the immune system and overall health and cancer, consider booking a consultation HERE.

What is Biological Dentistry?

As quoted by the International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine:

"Biological dentistry is concerned with the whole-body effects of all dental materials, techniques and procedures. It is fluoride-free, mercury-free and mercury-safe. Individualized testing for bio-compatibility of dental materials is a must.

It insists that all clinical practice be designed of components that sustain life or improve the patient’s quality of life. For the word 'biological' refers to life.

Clinical awareness and science show us that what happens in the mouth is reflected in the body, and what happens in the body is reflected in the mouth. The complex, dynamic relationships of oral and systemic health within the context of the whole person are inseparable. Biological dentistry unites the best clinical practices and technologies of Western dental medicine with a wide array of practices beyond its horizon.

Biological dental associates may be general dentists, periodontists, orthodontists, oral surgeons or pedodontists. They also have extensive training in dental toxicology and specific modes of healing, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, herbology, homeopathy, iridology and energy medicine. While it may be impossible to construct an authoritative list of protocols followed by the 'typical' biological office, all share a common paradigm: treating causes of symptoms rather than symptoms toward the goal of restoring and sustaining health.

We also share a deep and constant belief in the Hippocratic dictate First, do no harm.

Biological dentistry is conservative dentistry. The aim is to be minimally invasive yet appropriately active.

Holistic involves an awareness of dental care as it relates to the entire person."

Which Parts of the Body are Affected by Teeth and their Bacteria?


To see how each and every tooth relates to various organs and systems in the body, visit this dentist's Interactive Tooth Chart HERE.


You will find it fascinating and hopefully get an insight on how important having a healthy mouth actually is. I was shocked as I came to discover how each tooth had so much to do with the rest of the body.

Education on Dental Practices and Procedures

I encourage you to listen to the Dental videos linked below, and to at least look at the titles of the books I have compiled as well, to give you a quick overview of dental practices that could be harmful to your overall health. I received these from the vast library of one of the best dental surgeons in the world, who I consulted with extensively and who I ended up adding to my healing team. You will learn a lot! 

Find a Biological Dentist Near You


By clicking on the links below, you will be taken directly to three credible resources for finding a dentist near you. Many of these dentists are oral surgeons as well as dentists, have gentle dental practices, and handle dentistry for children. They will also educate you on root canals, wisdom teeth, tooth extraction, toothaches, and how to properly remove mercury amalgam fillings that will be safe for you. **Please note that I can't guarantee these dental practitioners as I don't know them personally. You must do your due diligence and your own research.

Huggins Applied Healing

Holistic Dental Association 

International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine

Questions to Ask a Potential Biological Dentist

A list of questions to ask a potential dentist you are considering seeing can be found HERE

**Important Videos from a leading expert on dental health can be found HERE.

**Wonder why you might be sick? Read these dental resource Books HERE.

If you find the information on this page helpful, please consider making a donation to help me with the costs of operating this website and to further the educational opportunities provided to others. Thank you in advance for your generosity! 

  ♥ Tina

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Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on research conducted by Tina Buenzli and Triumph Over Health, LLC, unless otherwise noted. The information presented is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure  such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and personal experience. Triumph Over Health, LLC encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional.


If you purchase anything through this website, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. 

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