Triumph with Essential Oils
Essential Oils are something that everyone in my family uses just about every week, if not every day. We use them in our Detox Baths, in our Diffusers, when we are sick, as a preventative, and for sore muscles. There are so many, many uses for Essential Oils! Dr. Josh Axe's Free E-Book below got me started when I first realized all the health benefits with using essential oils. I consider him an Essential Oil Guru. I have done a lot of experimenting with Essential Oils over the last few years. Trust me - You will NEVER stop using EOS once you start. After a lot of research and trial and error, dōTERRA Essential Oils are my go to brand for my natural healing needs. DōTERRA is organic, pure, tested for no pesticides and has a lot of research behind their products. This is very important when using essential oils because they are very POTENT. When you enter the DōTERRA store you will see even more ways my family uses essential oils. Start learning about essential oils today! ♥