MMS - MIRACLE Mineral Supplement - Master Mineral Solution - Chlorine Dioxide
MMS can help reverse 95% of all the diseases, health conditions and cancers known to man. A bold statement, I know. However, all you have to do is study the research and read the testimonials to KNOW this healing program is legitimate.
Learn about Chlorine Dioxide and all its healing benefits. The items below with their links are all that you need to work the entire Body Healing Protocol and recover your health. The results of those taking advantage of Jim Humble's 24+ years of experience utilizing the infamous Master Mineral Solution, aka Miracle Mineral Supplement, is nothing short of AMAZING!
Add in DMSO and MMS2 - and well - you have never experienced anything like it! Your level of health will truly transform. To read Testimonials GO HERE.
Jim's Health Recovery Plan is potent, simple to use & allows for optimum health & recovery from just about any cancer and disease. Every household should have his book and these supplies on hand to counteract any health situation encountered.
Optimize your health and increase longevity by destroying "bad guys" and activating your immune system.
Note: I have used every single recommended protocol laid out in the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. I originally decided to utilize the MMS healing program because it had an excellent mold protocol listed and we had just discovered I had internal and external mold. I just couldn't find any other mold program on the market that worked very well. However, when I used the MMS program in addition to the mold protocol, not only did I feel the effects the very first dose, but the overall results were astounding!
I then continued to do a 5 week protocol utilizing MMS, DMSO and MMS2 working my way through every healing program listed.
Let's just say I can't comprehend the fact any longer that I ever had Melanoma Cancer, let alone Stage IV!
(Disclaimer: MMS protocols were NOT the only healing programs I used to heal from cancer)
Currently, I take at least 1-2 doses of the 6 & 6 Protocol every week prior to bed to keep healthy AND I never travel without bringing my little MMS Tool Kit with me. At the first sign of a tickle in my throat, or feeling under the weather, I take a dose.
Lo and behold - I NEVER GET SICK!
Don't delay, START TODAY! MMS
Important Note:
MMS is highly effective at mitigating damage from the Covid shots and from transmission effects from being around those who have been vaxxed. I've used it many times after being around loved ones who have gotten the shots as well as after being in large groups or at events.
If you are suffering from side effects of the shots or from transmission, please visit my Covid article HERE.
It has links to many doctors research and additional protocols and supplements that help when dealing with both of these situations.
Conditions MMS has been known to reverse:
AIDs/HIV, Alzheimer's, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Angioedema, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Bites and Stings, Cancer, Candida albicans, Cholera, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Colitis, Common Cold, Cradle Cap, Crohn's Disease, Cystic fibrosis, Cystitis, Cytomegalovirus, Decubitus Ulcers - Bedsores, Dementia, Dengue, Depression, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Digestive System Disorders, Diseases and Disorders, Dravet Syndrome, Duodenal Ulcer, Ear Infection, Eardrum Rupture, Eczema, Endometriosis, Escherichia coli, Fibromyalgia, Flesh-eating Bacterial Disease, Fungal Diseases, Gangrene, Gastritis, GERD - Gastroesophageal Disease, Hair Loss, Hashimoto's Disease, Heartburn, Heavy Metal Detoxification, Hepatitis, Herpes, Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Immune Suppression, Infectious Disease, Inflammation, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Influenza, Insulin Resistance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney issues and Stones, Leprosy, Lewy Body Disease, Lymphoma, Malaria, Menstruation Issues, Morning Sickness, Motion Sickness, MRSA, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurodetoxification, Oral Lichen Planus, Osteoarthritis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian Disease, Pancreatitis, Parasites, Parkinson's Disease, Pneumonia, Prostate Disease, Psoriasis, Reiter Syndrome, Ringworm, Salmonella, Scabies, Schistosomiasis, Scleroderma, Shingles, SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), Sinus Infection, Skin Injuries, Skin Problems, Stomach Cancer, Synovitis, Syphilis, Trypanosomiasis, Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Ulcerative Colitis, Ulcerative Proctitis, Ulcers, Urinary Tract Disorders and Problems, Urinary Tract Infection, Urticaria (Hives), Vaginal Infections, Warts, Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Resource Books
The Resource Books that can teach you everything!
Must haves (at least the first 2) in order to achieve
Maximum Results
MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (2016)
This book is a must if you want to work with MMS. This little book is a gold mine, not only for cancer of all kinds, but all diseases, mold and everything toxic you are exposed to. Buy for yourself, buy for all those you care about. This book is available in both hard copy and PDF (for those that need the information NOW).
The DMSO Handbook:
A New Paradigm in Healthcare
Learn more about DMSO and it's healing benefits. DMSO is an essential supplement (all natural) used in conjunction with MMS. It will drive the MMS whereever it is needed in the body. This is one powerful additive not to be missed! I prefer this DMSO handbook, however some prefer the next one.
Necessary Elements
MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) needs to be activated in order to work.
DMSO drives to MMS to where it is needed in the body.
The other items are needed for additional protocols.
AO Chlorite
MMS - Chlorine Dioxide (CD) not yet activated. AO Chlorite is just the name the creator calls Sodium Chlorite. When the Sodium Chlorite is activated it turns into MMS. When you activate it, the potency stays in tack.
**I trust everything by this company (Phenomenal website filled with resources and products). This is where I purchase my CD supply.
Note: A dropper bottle is needed.
(Another Source)
At times Alpha Omega Labs (maker of AO Chlorite) will be sold out of Sodium Chlorite so I had to source an additional product in case it couldn't be obtained for those in need. This is the additional source. This comes as a kit with both the Sodium Chlorite together with the Hydrochloric Acid (5% HCL) - the activator. Each bottle is 4.5 fl oz each. Note: WPS stands for water purification system. Yes - MMS is used to purify water as well. It's all in the books. ;)
Dimethyl Sulfoxide
Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO.
When put together with MMS, DMSO will drive the MMS to wherever it is needed in the body. It also fights inflammation, pain and other chronic health conditions. Make sure to read the ins and outs of DMSO prior to using! A glass amber bottle is needed to properly dispense.
Hydrochloric Acid 5%
2 pack
Hydrochloric Acid is my preferred activator for MMS. Some will choose to use a different activator and if you want to learn about those, you can read about them in the MMS Handbook.
Make sure to purchase an Amber Glass bottle in order to be able to dispense the proper amount of drops for activation.
MMS Program Tools
All the tools for all the Programs listed in Jim Humble's Book.
Silicone Enema Bag Kit
2 Quart Capacity
Perfect for getting activated MMS into the colon. The MMS is then delivered to the liver and bloodstream as well. Neutralizes toxins and kills parasites in the bowels. Much of the MMS is absorbed through the colon walls into blood plasma. Considering most disease starts in the intestinal tract this can be a powerful healing tool.
Vaginal Silicone Douche
10oz capacity
MMS Vaginal Douche Protocol is designed to reach those hard to get to lady parts. Great for UTI's, vaginal problems, bad infections, cancer and other disease issues such as fibroids, polyps and cysts of the female reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus and breast). Lots of info in the MMS Guidebook.