Organic Recipe Ingredients
All Foods Are Gluten Free, GMO & Soy Free
Most Products Are DAIRY FREE Too
The best thing I can do for you is to give you the links for the main organic groceries I use to make most of the everyday Paleo and gluten free recipes I cook. I have even included the sources and ingredients I use for special occasions and holiday meals. I have tried to make this as easy as possible for you so you can begin to eat as healthy as you can, as soon as possible. These sources also include how to purchase 100% grass-fed and FINISHED meat, in addition to wild seafood and organic produce online if you don't have sources near you. Yes, my family does order and purchase from these sites. I would NEVER refer you to what I don't, or wouldn't use myself. I pour over each and every product I purchase - I was just too sick for too long not to. If I find online organic grocery sources that are better than what I have here, I will definitely switch them out as I become aware of them. If you are a purveyor of such a product(s), please email me! I am here to serve all of you to help you life a healthy lifestyle, and achieve optimal health.
You truly "are what you eat, and what you eat, eats." And food is either medicine or poison - so take your pick. If you haven't done so already, please Print the 3 FREE Food Lists on what foods to avoid, what to sometimes eat, and what you can eat to be healthy in today's world. You can find these 3 Food Lists HERE.
All my best, as always, ♥ Tina
Where To Purchase
When You Can't Source Locally
Organic Super Foods & Powders
Organic & Gluten Free Groceries
Organic & Gluten Free
Bread, Crackers & Wraps
Organic & Gluten Free
Butter, Oils and Cottage Cheese
Organic & Gluten Free
Canned Goods and Sauces
Organic & Gluten Free
Condiments & Spices
Organic & Gluten Free
Flour and Baking Products
Organic Nuts & Seeds
Organic & Gluten Free
Pasta, Beans & Rice
Organic & Gluten Free
Snacks and Jerky
Organic & Gluten Free
(My once in awhile guilty pleasure...)

If you find the information on this page helpful, please consider making a donation to help me with the costs of operating this website and to further the educational opportunities I provide to others. Thank you in advance for your generousity!
♥ Tina