Private Consultation
Consider booking a Private Health Consultation.
Over the years, the consultations I purchased helped me tremendously by drawing attention to possible areas of concern I needed to address in order to fully heal. In addition, it saved me precious hours of research time. I was then able to prioritize what issues I needed to focus on first to begin to elevate my health as quickly as possible.
Depending on the Package you choose from those described below, your Consultation will be comprised of either a 1-Hour or 2-Hour phone consultation scheduled with Tina Buenzli of Triumph Over Health and you.
The Main Benefit of a consultation is you are not only educated on my own research and findings, but all the those of every doctor, health professional and researcher I have ever researched and consulted with, thereby saving you Thousands of $$$$ and months of research time and a whole lot of headaches and frustration. I have had MANY "Aha Moments" from each and every consultation I received. What you "think" may be your issue, most often is not. What you are educated on in my consultations will be many areas that I guarantee you have never even heard of before.
If you should choose "The Works" - not only will you receive everything given in both the other consultation packages, but you will also receive a very extensive, printable resource list with summaries of the education you received, direct links to health equipment and products I use, the best doctors who KNOW how to heal the body, on-going support for a year and so much more! This package is worth its weight in gold...
Consultations require email confirmation of appointment prior to purchase of phone consultation.
Please email me below requesting an appointment time and describing the issues you are concerned about and I will contact you shortly with availability and payment information. If you have any additional questions, please include those below.
*No purchase of consultations without prior email approval.
Consultation Fee predicated on Package chosen below

PLEASE NOTE: There will be a CANCELLATION FEE OF $100 once appointment has been booked and paid for.
Consultation Packages

The Basics
1-Hour Phone Consult
For those who are on a budget or wanting just the basics of Health & Wellness.
Education on:
How the body works
How we get disease & cancer
What are the largest toxins we encounter & ways to avoid them
Essential steps to achieving True Health
Health practices & supplementation that boost the immune system, increase longevity and prevent disease

This is a phone consultation only .
No written report of resources is given.

Getting Personal
2-Hour Phone Consult
For those who need help getting to the root cause of their issues, guidance on what it will take to correct them, as well as education on how to once again have their Mind, Body & Spirit in balance.
Consultation Includes:
Detailed Question & Answer time to discover your unique situation and possible areas of concern
Discussion of resources to consider given your condition
Health practices & products tailored specifically for your health goals
Verbal information on where to obtain the resources and products discussed
Education on:
How the body works
How we get disease & cancer
What are the largest toxins we encounter & ways to avoid them
Essential steps to achieving True Health
Health practices that boost the immune system, increase longevity and prevent disease

This is a phone consultation only.
No written report of topics or resources discussed are given.

The Works
2-Hour Phone Consult ++
For those who want it all - Personalization, Education, an Extensive Resource List & FREE On-going Support for 1-year
Consultation Includes:
Detailed Question & Answer time to discover your unique situation and possible root causes of your issues
Discussion of resources to consider given your condition and guidance on Where & How to begin
Health practices & products tailored specifically for your health goals
A detailed Resource document with an extensive list with links of beneficial health resources and where to obtain the resources and products discussed
FREE On-going Support & Guidance for ONE YEAR post Consultation
Education on:
How the body works
How we get disease & cancer
What the body needs to be healthy
What are the largest toxins we encounter & ways to avoid them
Essential steps to achieving True Health
Health practices that boost the immune system, increase longevity & prevent disease
How to obtain a healthy Mind, Body & Spirit
Additional information on Resources that are difficult to find on the internet

An extensive Resource List with workable links are provided. On-going support is given when needed for 1-year with no added costs.