Well, it’s that time of year again where colds and flu can run rampant and knock us down for the count when we least want it to strike. The holiday time is a special time filled with Family, Friends and Fun as long as we aren’t feeling under the weather. I’ve put together a list of what my family and I use to keep our bodies healthy, strong and enjoying our lives while keeping sickness to a minimum throughout the winter months.
Don’t wait until you are sick and miserable. Prepare now with these simple Health Tips to keep your immune system functioning on all cylinders so you can enjoy all the beauty and wonder this time of year brings!
Beneficial Foods:
The Ultimate Budwig Breakfast - This fast and simple breakfast mix increases the ATP energy in your cells. Sickness and disease live in a low energy, damp, dark and acid environment, so we want to counter this!
Breakfast Powder Shake – Another fast and simple breakfast that keeps your brain functioning at a high level with good fats (our brain cells are coated in fat!) and gives your cells all their needed vitamins and trace minerals.
Juicing is KEY! The only juicer I recommend is THIS ONE. My whole family juices or buys organic green juice several times per week. It alkalizes the body and cleans and energizes the cells. You can find my JUICE RECIPE HERE.
Vitamin C - This powder (1 TBSP in 8oz of water or in a shake) is 70x higher in vitamin C than an orange. Unfortunately, regular Vitamin C has been tainted and the majority is now genetically modified!
Food Lists: Eat as healthy as you can by downloading and following my FREE Food Lists HERE. Knowing how to eat healthy most of the time will not only keep sickness at bay, but disease and cancer as well.
Clean Water: Drink lots of clean water each day to flush out bad bacteria and viruses. Clean water also helps flush the kidneys which in turn helps the immune system. I use this WATER FILTER that sits on my sink. I also travel with a smaller water filter as well, so I am never without clean water. This is the only filter I have been able to find that can filter out not only 99.999% of all toxins but also Round-up and other pesticides as well. This particular filter is used on disaster sites around the world.
Immune Boosting Supplements:
Vitamin D3 - Recommended dosage: 1 capsule (5,000 iu), however, make sure when you are doing routine blood tests to make sure you are tested for Vitamin D3 levels. If it is below 80, make sure to talk to your doctor about upping your dose!!! The range is wrong for most blood-testing centers. When Vitamin D3 levels are low (below 80), the immune system remains weak and open to disease.
Beta Glucan - One of the top immune supplements in the world - this brand only! Recommended Dosage: 1 capsule/ 50 lbs. of body weight. Take on an empty stomach in am.
Magnesium - An essential element that we all need yet tend to be low in. Recommended Dosage: 1 capsule - 3x/day
Fish Oil - This one is highly absorbable - Anti-inflammatory, and protects or cells and brain. We need good fats!
Daily Vitamin - Recommended Dosage: 1 capsule - 2x/day
Probiotic - Putting good bacteria back into the intestinal track is key to health. All disease starts in the intestinal track. Recommended Dosage: 1 capsule - 2x/day. This does need to be refrigerated. For those that travel a lot, this Probiotic will work.
Health Practices:
Sleep! Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night to keep your immune system strong. If you are feeling exhausted mid-day, rather than reach for another cup of coffee, grab a green juice and shut your eyes for 10-15 minutes. You will feel a whole lot better!
Exercise! Keep your blood pumping – which keeps your toxins flushing. If you are exhausted from burning the candle at both ends, keep exercise to a brisk, 30-minute walk. If you can walk outside, all the better to take in fresh air. A walk in nature not only keeps stress low, but it brings the mind and body back into balance.
Jump on a mini-trampoline if you have one. If you don’t have one, I use THIS ONE because this brand is easy on the joints and has super awesome springs. Why jump? This and Yoga both flush the lymph system which is our internal trashcans. A fun fact: The lymph system has no way of eliminating waste unless you help it! If you don't have room for a trampoline, at least purchase a Skin Brush to use prior to getting into the shower. This will also stimulate the lymph system.
Sauna. If you have access to a sauna, use it! Sweating helps flush the blood stream of bacteria and viruses. The best kind of sauna is an Infra-red sauna. If you are interested in purchasing a large one for your home, email me HERE and I will set you up with my favorite provider.
Massage/Reflexology. If you’ve never tried reflexology, then you are in for a treat! Most cities around the USA now have reflexology massage places. For under $30/hour (I get mine for $17!) you can get a full body massage (with your clothes on – strange at first, I know). Believe it or not this type of massage can be better than high-end salons! If you don’t care for one, keep trying until you find one that fits what you like. This has become a family favorite activity and everyone comes out feeling de-stressed, healthier and happier! Massage helps flush away stored up toxins pooled in given areas. If you’ve never tried one, now’s the time to pamper yourself with health!
Here‘s to helping you Triumph Over Health!
♥ Tina Buenzli
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Disclaimer: The information presented by Tina Buenzli and Triumph Over Health on this website or in emails is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only based on research and personal experience, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation. Again, the information on this website or in emails is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, mitigate or prescribe for any disease or condition.
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